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Durian mooncakes perfect for this Mid-Autumn Festival

Durian is an edible fruit of many tree species of the genus Durian. There are 30 recognized durian species, of which at least 9 produce edible fruits. Native to Borneo and Sumatra, durians are the most effective species available on the world market. Since 1987, best durian mooncake has more than 300 named varieties in Thailand and more than 100 in Malaysia. Various types are sold in the area. Durian is usually associated with Southeast Asian cuisine, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Called the "King of the Bottom Line" in some areas, the durian is long, has a strong scent, and features a thorn-covered skin. The fruits can grow up to 30 centimeters (12 inches) in length and 15 centimeters (6 inches) in diameter and generally weigh 1 to 3 kilograms (2 to 7 pounds). The shape is rectangular to rounded, the shell color fades from green to brown, and the flesh fades from yellow to red.

With its traditional taste, some people find durian to have a pleasant sweet scent, while others find it to have a pleasant scent. Overwhelming and unsightly scent. Smell causes reactions ranging from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and is variously described as rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage. The protracted power of its scent can last for days, and certain motels and public transport in Southeast Asia have urged a ban on fruits. The 19th-century British naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace defined the flesh as "a rich custard flavored with almonds." The pulp can be eaten at various stages of aging and is used to flavor a variety of delicious sweet desserts in Southeast Asian cuisine. Seeds can also be cooked and eaten. Mooncakes are a cheap product in Singapore and are well known among customers, friends and family.

The price of the central panel of the 4 mooncakes is $ 60. Many lodges and fine Chinese restaurants offer mooncakes packaged in complex multi-compartment boxes with jeweled clasps. Mooncake packaging is commonly reused as an earring box after the opposition is over. Mooncake is a Chinese baked confectionery that was eaten sooner or later during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The pageant is prepared for lunar estimation and lunar quest, and mooncakes are offered as a delicacy.

Mooncakes are usually eaten with a small wedge of tea. Today, it is common for businessmen and families to present them as gifts to customers and relatives, which helps stimulate the demand for high-stop mooncakes. Mooncakes are also enjoyed in other parts of Asia, as the Chinese community exists in some parts of the place, just as the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in many parts of Asia. Mooncakes have also appeared as a delicacy in Western countries.

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